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Who is Konstantin Baron von Engelhardt

The director of Beam, Alexander Konstantin Franz Baron von Engelhardt, wants to introduce himself here. His elders, coming from Lithuania, Russia, Silesia, and Masuria, have inspired him with their cultures; he has combined them with his most dominant cultural mindsets: the American and German.

Born: 1961, in New York, N.Y.
Citizenships: German and (until 2019 also) American

How to understand us

Speaking English is one thing – understanding is another. He prefers to communicate straightforwardly. A "no" comes from him just as easily as a "yes". Yet, some cultures are not used to this kind of communication. However, we consider it most important that you correctly and not only possibly understand your situation. Therefore, please do not be offended! When you have to communicate "no" and this is inconvenient for you because you consider it impolite, so please give us a break and negate your response as much as possible without really breaking with your culture! Consider we rely on being understood and that we understand you. Consider straightforwardness as a chance, a new possibility.

School Education

elementary and junior high school in Connecticut; U.S.A.
Abitur (high school) in Germany,

Legal Education:

  • Traditional universities of Marburg and Goettingen,
  • Referendariat (Practical Legal Training) with Internships i.a. at:
    • Higher Regional Court in Celle,
    • Chamber for Commercial Matters at Regional Court in Hanover,
    • Federal Ministry of Economy in Prague, Czech and Slovak Federal Republic.


American Church Berlin

American Church in Berlin e.V.

Network of Intercultural Lawyers

Netzwerk Multikultureller Jurist*innen e.V.


Soft Land Partners