Instant Companies
Do you want to start a business and need a small-scale company
- on the spot?
- do not have the time to wait around eight weeks until your company is fully founded?
- do not want to wait the first infinity to obtain a tax number?
- do not want to wait for another infinity until the tax office grants a VAT ID?
- do not want to hassle with a bank that demands your physical presence though all other authorities do not?
- do not have the time to come to Germany to open a new business?
We have the solution! Buy a Instant Company !
Our companies off-the-shelf have not been in business! When buying, we will guarantee that the shell has not been engaged in serious/real business life with a contractual penalty amounting to the sales price. We go even one step further and subject ourselves to the immediate execution of the contractual penalty.
How does this work? The process is simple, the red tape is not. First, you buy the shares and then we will organize all of the formalities of reporting the new company. The formalities depend on the company form you wish to have:
Our companies have been set up and maintained by ourselves. We guarantee that they have no operational history. They have been incorporated and registered in accordance with all applicable laws, including any legal, accounting, or tax requirements:
- All companies have been registered with the tax office and have a tax number.
This number is good to invoice inside Germany and in non-European countries – as per interim. - All companies are registered with the Commercial Registry.
- All companies are reigstered with Transparency Registry.
- All companies come with a bank account into which that statutory company has been paid.
Isn't it better to start a company from scratch? Yes and no. It depends on your priorities! If you are in hurry, then purchase a readymade. The new owners can start their business right after visiting the notary. We discuss this in more detail here.